Supporting female empowerment in science

One of the most important priorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the path to sustainable development is the empowerment of women, as well as their active participation in all aspects of the country's life. This is reflected both in the Strategy for Action and in the National Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations adopted by Uzbekistan in 2015. Achieving this goal is possible by increasing human capital, as well as reducing gender inequality in education and science. According to a UNESCO report, only 33% of scientists in the world are women. The government of Uzbekistan is taking active measures to promote gender equality and strengthen the socio-economic status of women in the country, including their active participation in scientific and educational activities.

In this regard, the consulting company ERGO Analytics and the Tashkent State Economic University continue the initiative launched in 2020 by the UNDP project "Empowering Women in Public Administration and Socio-Economic Life", and is launching a series of free webinars for women scientists aimed at development of skills in writing scientific articles in English. To participate in the program, you must register your application on the project website

The webinars will be hosted by renowned scientists from leading universities in the US and Europe, including scientists from the University of Southampton (UK), Princeton University (USA), University of Pittsburgh (USA) and University of Varna (Bulgaria).

The general sponsor of this project is the Coca-Cola Uzbekistan company.