Correlates of Life Satisfaction Inequality in Russia

Correlates of Life Satisfaction Inequality in Russia

Journal: Applied Research in Quality of Life

Indexing: Scopus (Q2) & Web of Science

Abstract: This paper investigates the correlates of life satisfaction inequality in Russia between 2010 and 2018, employing Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE). Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression results revealed that the major correlates of life satisfaction inequality in Russia are unemployment, being out of labor force, higher education and marital status. We confirm inequality-decreasing feature of income, implying that life satisfaction inequality decreases with increasing individual’s income. Moreover, feeling oneself relatively rich associated with lower life satisfaction inequality. Our study reveals income and gender differences in correlates of life satisfaction inequality. Such regional indicators as gross regional product and population are related to life satisfaction inequality in Russia.

Read more: Applied Research in Quality of Life