Recent projects

Analysis of the quality of public service delivery in remote pilot areas of Uzbekistan

A joint project of the Public Services Agency under the Ministry of Justice and UNDP in Uzbekistan, funded by the European Union, is being implemented to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people in rural areas, such as women, youth and children, the elderly and people with disabilities, by increasing their access to public services and improving the quality of their provision. The purpose of the study was to develop a portrait of the main users and a system for the provision of mobile public services in remote areas through a survey, participation in the provision of public services and analysis of the process, mapping the main indicators / characteristics of the user of public services in the pilot regions and tasks of the terms of reference.

Analysis for the development of CO-design - a portrait of the main users and a system for the provision of mobile public services includes the following tasks:

·        Development of a questionnaire for conducting a survey among the population to determine the portrait of the main user of mobile services and analyze the system as a whole

·        Conducting a survey of at least 500 respondents in at least 3 makhallas of the Khavast district of the Syrdarya region and 500 respondents in at least 3 makhallas of the Bakhmal district of the Jizzakh region

·        Mapping of the main socio-economic indicators of 2 pilot districts

·        Topography compilation - user portrait in 2 pilot areas

·        Analysis of the current system for the provision of mobile services: