Recent projects

Conducting an assessment of the potential and capabilities of the private sector involving the provision of public services based on PPP and other forms of interaction

A joint EU-funded project of the Public Services Agency under the Ministry of Justice and UNDP in Uzbekistan is being implemented to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people in rural areas, such as women, youth and children, the elderly and people with disabilities, by increasing their access to public services and improving the quality of their provision. One of the main activities of the project is piloting the involvement of the private sector in the provision of public services by selecting the most appropriate form of PPP or other form of interaction between the back office and the private sector for the provision of public services. For these purposes, an assessment of the opportunities and potential of the interested private sector will be carried out, a group of similar public services will be selected and a working model will be selected, which will be tested in the pilot regions. In particular, proposals will be developed. In the form of a concept, a description of business processes, financial models and a business plan for the implementation of this mechanism for certain public services, as well as recommendations for scaling the selected model to other public services and regions. The goals and objectives of the project include:

·        Piloting the provision of selected groups of public services and public functions through the involvement of the private sector in the form of a public-private partnership (PPP) or other form of interaction in the provision of public services to achieve

·        increasing the efficiency of the process of rendering public services and functions;

·        improving the quality of the provision of public services and functions;

·        creating a market for applications for the provision of public services and functions, the formation of healthy and more effective competition - increasing the availability of public services throughout the country, including in remote areas.

·        Identification of a group of similar public services and government functions that can be transferred to the private sector on the basis of PPP or in another form of interaction

·        Step-by-step analysis of government services and government functions of selected groups

·        Review of relevant legislation and development of recommendations for the involvement of the private sector in the forms of PPP, outsourcing, concession and other forms of interaction and development of recommendations for improvement in order to make it attractive for the private sector and beneficial for the state

·        Assessment of the potential and capabilities of the private sector in the delivery of public services and public functions in Uzbekistan